Seven things to know about Seme border

  1. This is the famous land border between the Nigeria and Benin republic. A high volume of People and goods pass through it daily and is usually open 24 hours.
  2. Coming from Nigeria, the road leading to and from the border (Iyanaoba-Seme) has the highest number of checkpoints I have ever seen. Every agency has their own checkpoint, even 5 or more , especially between Badagry-Seme.
  3. It is the border that has the highest presence of uniform officers, whichever agency you can think of that wear uniform, they are there. Including thones you have not met, Ndlea (drugs), civil defence (Nsdc), police, port health , immigration, customs even some touts.
  4. Be prepared to spend money, except you have all your complete documents (valid passport, yellow card) , a frequent traveler along that route or local indigene. Else, if you are a first time traveler or novice, they will charge you for either your naivety or just to wet ground. Or even touts hailing you to get change. Only border that charges its own citizens for crossing. Sighs!
  5. The rules for crossing is so easy, walk through (5 mins) and get your papers stamped, or you are carried across by a car/bike and the driver sort out the officials on your behalf, they can either get your papers stamped or not. However I prefer to walk across and just stamp my papers especially if it’s just me. It costs me nothing. With a larger company or chartered ride, I allow the driver go through the stress And hassles.
  6. Getting to the border is easy. From Nigeria, enter Seme from mile2, Iyanapaja, Iyanaoba, Igbo elerin or if you don’t get Seme direct, board Badagry bus, alight and get a cab /bus loading Seme. You can’t spend more than N2000/3000 using public transport , otherwise charter a cab and pricing will depend on your negotiation with the driver. Or another option, drive down in your personal vehicle and park your car (do this if you have a trusted person to look after your car at the border). Sometimes, I use this last option. From the Benin side, enter cab going to seme from Cotonou 500/600Cfa
  1. For the first time, it may seem stressful, but as you travel more. You will get used to it and look forward to more trips.
Seme Border

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