7 ways to have fun kayaking in Abuja

One beautiful Sunday afternoon, my sister and I decided to go kayaking at the national stadium Abuja and it was lots of fun. Here are helpful tips to ensure you enjoy the activity as much as we did. 

  1. What is kayaking ?: Kayaking is a water sports activity that involves a small water craft that is controlled or propelled by a double blade paddle. The movement typically involves alternate motions ofleft/right, back/front to turn the boat left/right or to move it forward/backward. The interesting thing , it is so simple to learn, you can learn it within minutes and off you go, paddling away. 
  2. Request information : You can ask around from previous kayakers about their experience, however, the two known places to kayak in Abuja are Jabi lake and the national stadium lake, both require an entrance fee around N3000-N5000 per person , both places are managed by private organisations. You can ask about their safety policies, type of boats (old or modern), and whatever other concerns you have. 
  3. Have courage: Do not be afraid of the water, even non swimmers can kayak as long as they have confidence and ready to try new adventures. Life vests will be provided that act as flotation device, barring any mishap, it is rare for the boat to overturn or the passenger falls into water , you can also relax  your mind by confirming there are professional life guards on duty. 
  4. Take loads of pictures and videos of yourself enjoying this favorite Pasttime, you can  take pictures before or after the water sport activity or ask friends, strangers you meet there or even the boat boys to assist you in taking the pictures  while in the water as you need maximum concentration while in the water. You can opt for selfies too. 
  5. Respect the rules: Start out slowly, hold your paddles well, don’t mind if the boat shakes, it is the water movement , as long as your body is not shaking, sometimes the water will help in pushing the boat and you don’t even have to paddle too much, however take to the advice of your tutor , adhere to safety rules, don’t engage in dangerous tricks or try to outperform or outdo yourself. Start gradually, learning how to move, turn and when you get the hang of it or on your subsequent kayak adventures, you can venture out more and try out new learned skills. Do not eat, drink or smoke while kayaking. 
  6. What to wear: Wear comfortable clothing and shoes that wont hinder your movement, sunshades if there is so much sun,  don’t wear caps, hats that can easily come off when blown by the wind. 
  7. Related activity : Explore the environment, most kayaking spots are ideal places for picnics, hangouts and just sight seeing. You can bird watch , check out the surroundings, take a walk and appreciate nature . Pack food, snacks or drinks if you will be taking a while to satiate your appetite, though most kayaking trips take around 30mins-an hour on your first trip or as determined by the company, but you can stay longer on the premises after your kayaking. You can either go solo or join other fun seekers for companionship purpose when going to kayak,whichever way you choose to go, you will still have fun. 

~Travel Queen 


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